Monday, February 6, 2023

Blog #6: What did I learn from Technology Presentations?

     In class today we each presented power-points on technologies from the past and present. We were assigned to write a blog post about the technology that we picked, and then create a powerpoint summarizing the information that we found to present to the class. 

    While watching the presentations today in class we were instructed to write a short blog post about one of the technologies that we learned about today. The technology that I picked was the printing press. The printing press was developed in 1436 by Johannes Gutenberg. He is not the inventor of the printing press but he was credited with modernizing it. This development was created because the demand for books in the academic world was increasing. Gutenberg is also given credit for the invention of oil based ink, which was a long lasting ink compared to what was previously used. The modernization of the printing press created a printing revolution. Information could be traveled fast which impacted the world of communication significantly. Literacy became common, and was not just limited to the higher class. Writing ended up becoming a profession, not just a skill which it was before. Just like my technology, the newspaper, censorship was very prominent in the history of the printing press, demonstrating there is a form of censorship in all forms of technology. 

After learning about the printing press I now know how important it was in the development of communication. It provided people with a type of technology that they never had access to, changing the future of literacy. This is also the invention that closed the literacy gap between upper class and lower class. Before the update of the printing press, it was only the upper class who would have access to literature, but when the update occurred more people had access to literature. Overall, I learned the importance and significance that the printing press had on the world and its foundation for future technologies. 

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Final Blog Post

MY RELATIONSHIP WITH TECHNOLOGY      Throughout my life, as each year passes, technology becomes more prevalent and has an important role in...