Monday, February 6, 2023

Blog #5: Antiwar Voices

     After having access to the media for many years of my life, I have not heard much about anti-war. Someone who is anti-war is someone who is opposed to any war or a specific war. As an out of class assignment, we were instructed to view the two websites, ANTIWAR.COM and The American Conservative. Both of these websites consist of strong anti-war voices that are never seen on mainstream news. The news on this website consists of information that the government does not want citizens to know, but these websites are not censored. For example, one of the article titles that I first saw on the website was “US 'Blocked' Early Attempt At Russia-Ukraine Deal”, which is something I have not seen on the news. These websites post the truths that are going on globally, but are not posted on mainstream media. This is because the media does not want to let citizens know of this information because it could cause negative feelings towards the government. The media makes sure to only highlight the best parts of their political side of the government, even if it is at the stake of the US citizens. 

    I also have never heard of either of these websites and since they are publishing the truth about the globe, I wonder why? I think this is because the government and media tries to censor any type of information like this. They do not want people to have access to it so they do not talk about it. The government controls a lot more than we know and understand which is why it controls so much of what the media posts. These voices are being silenced and these types of anti-war websites can only be found when we specifically search for them. This is because these websites, as I stated before, are hidden and not talked about because of government censorship. I believe the only reason that these websites are still running is because of free speech, otherwise the government would have taken them down. The media publishes other information that doesn’t highlight the stuff that these websites do, hiding what is really going on in the world. These websites are difficult to find because that is what the government wants to happen, they don’t want people to have this information. 

    Overall this is extremely concerning and makes me rethink the trust that I had in the government. They hide information that is crucial for us to know and understand as United States citizens, in order to protect themselves. This demonstrates that the government and media don't put the people first, they put themselves and their image first. 

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