Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Ted Talk Blog #2

 How do these issues affect you? You friends and family?


These issues affect me because everything that I have done or posted on the internet is easy accessible to anyone in the world. They can figure out information about me which violates my privacy. This also means that whatever I post could be sent anywhere, which means I need to be careful about what I post. My location could also be found by government which means that I should be careful about what I do, as well as my family in friends should too. My family and friends should be careful about where they go because in one of the TED talks, a man was put on a watch list just for going to certain political events. Another way these issues could affect my family, friends, and I is because our phone calls are wired. This means that someone could be listening to calls, and it may not just be the government, a hacker could also have access to these calls. Hacking is so prevalent now a days and my family and friends could be victims of it without even knowing. The last issue that could affect my friends and family is nudes being posted online. People around you could use naked photos of you without you knowing, and could be called revenge porn. You need to be aware of who you are around because they could post photos online without your consent, and once something is on the internet it is hard to remove it. Overall, my friends, family, and I need to be careful about what we post, do, and hang out with because as technology becomes more prevalent, so do the risks. 

What should the government be doing about these issues?

The government should not be able to access your location information at all times. In one of the Ted Talks they said the Government can find out if you go to church, if you go to therapy, or more. This is an extremely privacy breach, and the government should not have access to this information. The government shouldn't have access to location unless it is needed for an extreme reason. The government should also not keep this information, they should delete it as it is collected. The government should also not be able to take photos or gain any information from people in their homes, this is also a breach of privacy. The government should not listen to phone calls unless they have a reason to, because it makes it easy for hackers to listen to calls and could put someone in danger. The government also needs to make it easier to remove revenge porn from the internet and make it a bigger priority. There is a lack of laws to protect victims and punish the perpetrators, these people are only getting misdemeanors, if only that. Overall, the government needs to protect the privacy of people and make it easier for someone to protect. Our cyber civil rights need to be recognized and changed now, before it is too late. 

What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy? 

To protect ourselves from the
invasions of privacy we need to be careful about what we post and reveal about our selves online. It is also important to use devices that can not easily be hacked so call, texts, and video can not be accessed by hackers. We also can be cautious about who we are around and what photos they take or post, because with one click things can be sent across the internet. It is important to be cautious about where you go on the internet because you leave a trace wherever you go and it can come back and haunt you in the future. In order to protect ourselves, we need to pressure the government to create new laws that will protect our privacy. Cyber civil rights are super important and need to be recognized because we have no more privacy online. 

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